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Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is the most common
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in adults and the most common cause of embolic stroke. AF affects approximately 0.8 million patients in Japan alone, and its incidence is expected to grow exponentially [1–3]. However, the electrophysiological mechanisms of the ini
All these receptors tightly control tissue homeostasis and a
All these receptors tightly control tissue homeostasis, and any dysregulation of these ligand–receptor systems (mutations, overexpression, etc.) disturbs cell communication and leads to pathological situations. Bone formation and bone remodelling are then controlled by a large panel of cytokines and
For all analyses a P
For all analyses, a P-value Results A total of 229 patients completed the survey, representing 44% of all ICD patients presenting to the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center ICD clinic during the study period, of which 78% reported receiving the influenza vaccine. Table 1 summarizes the characteristi
There are important methodological issues affecting the stud
There are important methodological issues affecting the study of child mortality inequalities on the basis of survey data. McKinnon and colleagues relied on rigorous analytical tools to study these changes, and in some aspects—for example the graphical display of the statistical significance of chan
Etoricoxib what This week delegates are gathered in Abu Dhab
This week, delegates are gathered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for the . A large portion of the programme will be dedicated to global progress on demand reduction measures laid out in WHO\'s (FCTC), which celebrated its 10th birthday last month. Adopted at the 56th World Health Assembly in 20
En M xico el folclor nacionalista
En México, el folclor nacionalista de los siglos xix y xx matizó la tipificada creencia cultural de la “convivencia natural” del mexicano con la muerte para explicar y sobrellevar, incluso de manera socarrona, los estragos económicos y sociales del destino mexicano. Elsa Malvido, en este sentido, en
La pol tica institucionalizada se convirti y
La política institucionalizada se convirtió y se aceptó, por parte de los actores relevantes del sistema (neo-oligarquías e instituciones), y en gran medida por lo benevolente y bondadosa que sería para los intereses del gran capital, como el vehículo hacia el futuro del Estado. Se decretó que la cr
O ensaio de Volodia Teitelboim enfatizou
O ensaio de Volodia Teitelboim enfatizou os discursos de Fidel Castro desde quando seu grupo assumiu o poder em Cuba, logo após HOAt vitória em Sierra Maestra. Sua habilidade com as palavras foi destacada por Teitelboim, bem como seu caráter de coragem e retidão. Tais qualidades do líder revolucioná
br El Movimiento Espa ol ha sido definido por Eduardo
El Movimiento Español 1959, ha sido definido por Eduardo Mateo Gambarte como: “el último latido de los más jóvenes exiliados por incorporarse Mefloquine hydrochloride la lucha antifranquista”. Pese a su limitado número de participantes y su corto recorrido, representó un fenómeno destacable al est
br Conclusion br Source of
Conclusion Source of funding Acknowledgement Arsenic is widely dispersed throughout nature, and its toxic effect in humans, which focus mainly on somatic cells, as well known. Epidemiological research and in vitro testing have shown that long-term contact with arsenic can induce the forma
In our study ES SCLC patients in the
In our study, ES-SCLC patients in the CIT group were on average older than those in the control group. However, the multivariate analysis showed that age had no effect on the prognosis of these patients. Therefore, age was no a confounding factor, although it has been reported that effector cell fun
Zafirlukast br Conclusions Based on our findings
Conclusions Based on our findings using a chronic animal model in vivo that repeated VF and defibrillation, not shocks, are associated with striking CaMKII activation, together with accumulating evidence that CaMKII is crucially involved in cellular processes for HF, it is conceivable that CaMKII
Mirtazapine Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is a highly
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a highly prevalent atrial arrhythmia that affects approximately 10% of individuals older than 75 years of age and tends to increase in prevalence with advancing age [1–3]. Although AF itself is not life threatening, it is a risk factor for stroke, and the AF
br Reflexiones finales En el proceso armado guatemalteco
Reflexiones finales En el proceso armado guatemalteco, diversos acontecimientos otorgaron identidad GW9508 las organizaciones revolucionarias y las dotaron de símbolos que cohesionaron la lucha revolucionaria. Tal fue el caso de la Marcha de los claveles rojos, que movilizó a decenas de guatemalt
El presente art culo busca exponer un panorama
El presente artículo busca exponer un panorama general de la dinámica de movilización y representación política emprendida por los principales movimientos sociales presentes en Perú, los cuales se desenvuelven en un contexto signado aún por las reformas estructurales, los cambios constitucionales y
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