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br A modo de conclusi n La re
A modo de conclusión La re/visión que se ha propuesto en el presente escrito recoge el sentido que le da Adrienne Rich al término: revisar es volver a mirar desde un posicionamiento crítico en un presente, desde el que se tiene una perspectiva (temporal) de cómo ha sido la suerte del fenómeno que
thymidylate synthase Therefore the current study was designe
Therefore, the current study was designed to investigate the effect of LS on coagulopathy and organ dysfunction in rats with endotoxemia induced by LPS, and to explore possible pathophysiological mechanisms. Previous studies have demonstrated that thromboelastography (TEG) appears to be a reliable m
br Procedural endpoints The most
Procedural endpoints The most commonly employed electrophysiological endpoint is the achievement of noninducibility. While noninducibility has been shown to be predictive for clinical freedom from recurrent VT, it has not been uniformly the case [1,2]. Inducibility of VT is probabilistic and rare
Brugada syndrome BS is a hereditary arrhythmogenic disease
Brugada syndrome (BS) is a hereditary arrhythmogenic disease characterized by a coved- or saddleback-type ST elevation in the right precordial lead on a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) occurring mainly at night. During the past 2 decades, since Brugada and Brugada f
After exclusion of secondary causes of
After exclusion of secondary causes of eosinophilia, diagnostic evaluation of primary eosinophilias relies on a combination of morphologic review of the blood and marrow, standard cytogenetics, fluorescent in situ hybridization, flow immunocytometry, and T-cell clonality assessment to detect histopa
LQTS is classified into subtypes
LQTS is classified into subtypes LQT1 to LQT13 based on the site of genetic mutation. Each type possesses distinct clinical characteristics and a different prognosis. Treatment choice depends partly on individual phenotype and partly on genotype. Among Asian countries, several reports have been publ
La descripci n arquitect nica de la quinta
La descripción arquitectónica de la quinta es heterogénea, extensa, precisa, sugerente, sin duda uno de los pasajes en El fistol del diablo más revisados y pulidos por Payno, con la totalidad de la novela en mente, por lo tanto pleno de simbolismo histórico-cultural y de presagios. Por principio, el
In humans the two primary bile acids CA and CDCA
In humans, the two primary bile acids CA and CDCA make up approximately 70%–80% of the total bile buy STI571 pool. DCA is the major secondary bile acid, which may account for approximately 20% of the total bile acid pool. Among all bile acid species, the secondary bile acid LCA is highly toxic. LCA
(-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate Es en virtud de estas afirmac
Es en virtud de estas afirmaciones que propongo retomar una perspectiva literaria para pensar los modos diversos de concebir la representación, así como atender (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate la insistencia con que se acude a “lo real” (e incluso al “realismo”) para caracterizar las crónicas de la c
Su acci n en Chiapas fracas no
Su acción en Chiapas fracasó, no sólo por el rechazo que generó entre los encomenderos sino también entre los religiosos que apoyaban la encomienda en beneficio propio o bien como mecanismo de cristianización acelerado. Cuando Las Casas regresa hiv protease España, en lo que hace a su batalla de ide
There is an anecdotal report of dramatic
There is an anecdotal report of dramatic suppression of AF by mexiletine as a relatively selective blocker of late Na current in a patient with type 1 LQTS [80]. Pulmonary vein isolation can be performed safely and effectively in patients with CPVT and AF with or without inappropriate ICD shocks [3
An evidence based strategy for Riata
An evidence-based strategy for Riata lead follow-up is not yet established. Fluoroscopic examination of all Riata leads may be considered, however some electrical failures occur in fluoroscopically “normal” leads and it aniracetam is not clear that all insulation breaches will result in lead failure
br Asymptomatic patients Risk stratification and the optimal
Asymptomatic patients Risk stratification and the optimal therapeutic approach for asymptomatic BrS patients remain controversial. Initially, Brugada et al. showed that asymptomatic patients in whom VF was induced during an electrophysiological study were at high risk of sudden death [29]. Japane
Introduction Osteosarcoma OS is the most
Introduction Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common type of bone tumor occurred in adolescents and children [1]. OS is highly malignant and accounts for about half of bone sarcomas with high potential of metastasis [2]. Treatment for OS is mainly depended on surgical operation, assisted with chemothe
Los encabezados de V speras Republicanas tomaban el pulso po
Los encabezados de Vísperas Republicanas tomaban el pulso político que rodeaba monocarboxylate transporters Cuba, en particular lanzaban sus dardos críticos a los funcionarios elegidos por don Tomás, a quienes identificaba como miembros del sector conservador. Bajo el encabezado: “Politiquilla” denu
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