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br ABCA mRNA expression is elevated in Niemann Pick type
ABCA2 mRNA expression is elevated in Niemann-Pick type C and familial hypercholesterolemia fibroblasts Niemann-Pick Type C disease is a neurological disorder of adolescents due to autosomal-recessive mutations in either one or both Niemann-Pick-2 (NPC2) and NPC1 genes, which, like ABCA2, are loca
In previous research we determined that blocking
In previous research, we determined that blocking mAC during heparin-induced capacitation result in sperm having a lesser oxygen consumption, suggesting that cAMP produced by this enzyme would be linked to mitochondrial activity and, therefore, with the regulation of sperm metabolism (Fernández and
Recently several groups including ours
Recently, several groups, including ours, have started to use the C. elegans multi-dendritic PVD neurons as a model system to dissect the molecular mechanisms of dendrite development. During larval development, PVD elaborates complex and stereotyped dendritic arbors by sequentially adding primary (1
G actin has a molecular weight
G-actin has a molecular weight of 42 kD and dimensions about 55 × 55 × 35 Å3. It consists of 375 amino acids arranged into two individual domains (Alberts et al., 2014). A central cleft bisects the protein into two aforementioned domains which surround a deep cleft containing ATP or ADP and a tightl
Concerning asthma in a study evaluating the
Concerning asthma, in a study evaluating the effect of tiotropium in severe asthma, the sputum eosinophil count and exhaled nitric oxide were also assessed. However, evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect of tiotropium was difficult because these markers were low at baseline and thereafter. In a
br Funding br Introduction The interest in
Funding Introduction The interest in the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the aquatic environment continues to increase over the past decade, specifically those that act on steroidogenic pathways. EDCs that include synthetic androgenic and estrogenic compounds can severely a
br Funding This work was supported by Arena Pharmaceuticals
Funding This work was supported by Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc, San Diego, CA, USA. Introduction 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B (5-HT1B) receptors are widely distributed in the central nervous system (CNS); they have various modulatory functions in drug reinforcement, appetitive behaviors, stress, moo
Although CP has been an important research subject
Although CP has been an important research subject in the field of antigen processing and presentation, the mechanisms of presentation of intracellular Protein A/G by MHC II received considerably less attention. Interestingly, pioneering work by the Münz laboratory has pointed to an involvement of
Introduction The first use of
Introduction The first use of the term “autophagy” by a French physiologist, M. Anselmier, in a short article describing the effects of fasting in mice published in 1859, took place almost a century before Christian De Duve described it from a mechanistic point of view in a symposium on lysosomes i
Receptor Subtypes and Their Function Critical Appraisal Larg
Receptor Subtypes and Their Function – Critical Appraisal Largely unselective ligands of the benzodiazepine binding site, such as diazepam, are known to elicit a wide range of in vivo effects including hypnosis, sedation, anxiolysis, and muscle relaxation. Genetically modified mice were introduced
Thiol are reduced by two
Thiol are reduced by two major redox systems, glutathione/glutaredoxin (GRX) and thioredoxin (TRX), which have been extensively studied in plants [13], [14], [15]. Glutathione, a thiol-containing tripeptide, exists in a reduced (GSH) or an oxidized form (GSSG). It has a major role as a redox buffer.
Regardless of the initial treatment
Regardless of the initial treatment, most patients with advanced NSCLC experience relapse and disease progression [15]. A subpopulation of immediate concern and clinical need is patients who have advanced NSCLC that is especially aggressive, which is usually defined as disease that rapidly progresse
br Experimental procedures br Results
Experimental procedures Results Discussion Our biophysical and cellular analyses of mutant Aβ1–42 peptides support a role of the N-terminus of Aβ in peptide aggregation and toxicity. We demonstrate that double mutations constructed to humanize the rodent Aβ1–42 sequence result in a signific
Clinical observations of individuals with a decrease
Clinical observations of individuals with a decrease in 12-LOX 5-Iodotubercidin are consistent with 12-LOX potentiating platelet activation and thrombus formation [40]. However, the relative contribution of 12-LOX to these complex disorders cannot be fully elucidated in the absence of a biochemical
In our previous study adiponectin system genes and proteins
In our previous study, adiponectin system (genes and proteins) expression in the porcine endometrium and myometrium was observed on Days 2 to 3, 10 to 12, 14 to 16, and 17 to 19 of the estrous cycle [23]. Adiponectin receptors expression (mRNA) in the porcine endometrium was described by Lord et al.